8 Ways to Boost Twitter Engagement by 324%

With close to a billion Twitter registered users, 241 million active monthly users and 100 million active daily users, there’s got to be some effective ways of leveraging this to your benefit. I’m sure you already are engaging your Twitter followers but here’s 8 more helpful tips you can easily implement and its sure to help boost your Twitter engagement by 324%. No sweat. What’s more, we have included an info graphic courtesy of QuickSprout with some more great in a nutshell tidbits.

Did you know?

1. Highest Twitter engagements rates on Saturdays and Sundays. Time your evergreen (content that doesn’t go out of date) tweets with Social Media Automation tools such as Social Oomph.

2. Peak tweeting hours are 9am, 12 noon, 3pm and 6pm so time your tweets strategically!

3. Links to images will give you 200% higher social engagement so share photos, images, info-graphics!

4. Tweet questions and get 21% higher response rates to your tweets.

5. Tweets containing links generate 86% more retweets.

6. Keep your tweets under 100 characters. Engagement is 17% for tweets under 100 characters.

7. Ask your followers to retweet, you’ll be surprised to get 4x the retweets than if you don’t ask!

8. Tweet blast special promotional offers, that can help increase your conversion to a purchase by 349%.

Do you have any other great tips to share?

Boost Twitter Engagement

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