Twitter Hashtag Dictionary for Small Business

Well, well, research has shown that using the proper hashtags during tweets are shown to increase engagement rate by 100%. Nowadays, hashtags have evolved beyond Twitter, they can also be user-controlled categorizations for posts on most social media platforms. With an abundance of hashtag categorizations out in social media sphere, how do you know which hashtags to use when you’re crafting your tweets? Will choosing hashtags more strategically help you improve results? Definitely. There are a ton of permutations out there, which ones can increase retweets and help your tweets trend?

Here’s some common ones I’ve found that are useful while tweeting topics with regards to technology, marketing and small business. If you have others to add, please feel free to share.

Small Business:

  1. #innochat (Innovation)
  2. #journchat (Journalists)
  3. #books
  4. #collaboration
  5. #bilingual
  6. #bizedu
  7. #android
  8. #androidgames

Marketing & Technology:

  1. #smchat (Social Media)
  2. #slideshare
  3. #social-media
  4. #technology
  5. #tech
  6. #twittertips
  7. #web20
  8. #retweet

Here are some popular hashtags according to, click on the links below to see how well they are trending currently:

Social Change#socialgood#cause#volunteer#4change

I also check TWUB, they have a great hashtag directory organized by events, organizations and topics.

There are definitely advantages to using hashtags.

First is increasing your total follower count. Providing fresh and good quality tweets will help you gain additional followers and hopefully customers in the future.

Second, hashtags can also be used to start a contest, campaign, launch and monitor events such as #SuperBowl, provide news and promote an advocacy (#bostonmarathon). Creating a good reputation and public goodwill will go a long way.

Finally, you can boost your online presence by creating new and creative hashtags and track engagement rates from users, search engines, social analytics tools and hashtag apps. This provides a wealth of information for you to tap into, joining conversations and engaging with interested followers.


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