Breaking Up Sucks!
We know inboxes get overwhelming but we hope you’ll at least let us know how to make our communications better.
We aim to delight, not annoy.. so you’ll be sure that we’ll keep our emails rich and nourishing, and as it is currently, only delivered sporadically (emails are sent bimonthly which means once in 2 months) only when there’s important changes in the hi-tech world we live in.

Let's Stay Together
If you still want to receive emails from us, click HERE (Good choice - we knew this was love at first sight!)
It's Complicated
To change your email preferences, make updates HERE. (We understand - things might have been moving a little too fast.)
We're on a Break
If you no longer want to receive emails from us, click HERE to unsubscribe. (You may be aiming for a zero inbox but you can keep tabs via our social channels. )