How To Recover From Google Broad Core Update 2023

Google Broad Core Update 2023

Another Google Broad Core Update in 2023?

If you’ve ever paid attention to how well your keywords perform on Google Search, you’ll understand what a hair raising experience it is when you learn of another Google Broad Core Update, the second one released this year. In August 22, 2023, Google rolled out a new broad core algorithm update. This update, like its predecessors, has raised a lot of blood pressures within the SEO community and have webmasters holding their breadth. In this article, we’ll demystify the update and provide actionable insights on how to recover from it if your site has been affected.

What Is a Google Broad Core Update?

A broad core update is a significant change to Google’s search algorithms. These updates are released several times a year and aim to improve the relevance and quality of search results. They’re not about penalizing sites but about rewarding those that offer the best user experience.

Broad core updates can affect various search ranking factors, making it challenging to pinpoint specific areas for improvement. Luckily for us and our clients, and like SEMRush, we’re thankful to report that it appears that the March 2023 broad core update appears to be a tad more volatile for our clients as compared to the August 2023 broad core update.

Google Broad Core Update 2023 Mar vs Aug. August Update not as volatile in comparison.
Google Broad Core Update 2023 Mar vs Aug. August Update not as volatile in comparison.

Google’s Take on Recovering From Broad Core Updates

During a recent Search Off the Record podcast episode, a webmaster asked Google’s John Mueller about the impact of the broad core update on their news site. Mueller’s response was enlightening:

“There’s no specific thing to fix, but there’s always room for improvement.”

Mueller referred to an old blog post from 2011 on the Webmaster Central Blog about building high-quality sites, which still holds relevance today.

Questions to Understand Google’s Ranking Perspective

To understand how Google views your site, consider the following questions:

  1. Is the information in your article trustworthy?
  2. Does the article’s author have expertise in the subject matter?
  3. Does your site contain duplicate or redundant content?
  4. Is your site secure and trustworthy for transactions?
  5. Is the quality of your content high in terms of errors and authenticity?
  6. Is your content aligned with genuine interests or is it merely an attempt to manipulate SEO?

These questions can guide you in creating a site that aligns with Google’s perspective and enhances your chances of SEO success in 2023. It is also important to architect your site for speed and for the mobile user experience.

How to Recover from Google’s Broad Core Updates

Recovering from a broad core update requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips to help you navigate this process:

Use the Guidelines Provided by Google

Google has provided guidelines on how to build high-quality sites. These guidelines emphasize improving the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) of your content. You can find these guidelines in our blog post Key Takeaways: Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Update.

Ask for Help

Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from the community or experts. They can provide insights into potential faults in your website that you may not have noticed. This feedback can be invaluable in improving your site and recovering from the broad core update.

Think Holistically

Rather than focusing on specific factors, adopt a broader perspective when addressing the impact of broad core updates. Look at your site as a whole and identify areas that could be improved.


Navigating the turbulent waters of Google’s broad core algorithm updates can be challenging. However, with a holistic approach, adherence to Google’s guidelines, and a willingness to seek help, you can turn these updates into opportunities for improvement.

Your Next Steps

Recovering from a broad core update isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s a process that requires time, effort, and a deep understanding of your website’s strengths and weaknesses. Here are some next steps you can take:

  1. Review Google’s Search Quality Raters Guidelines and implement the seven ways to improve your website EEAT.
  2. Seek feedback from the community or experts. Consider joining SEO forums or reaching out to SEO professionals for advice.
  3. Perform a SEO audit of your site. Look for areas that could be improved, such as content quality, site security, site speed and user experience.

Further Reading

For more information on Google’s broad core updates and SEO strategies for 2023 and beyond, consider reading the following articles:

Final Thoughts on Recovering from Google’s Broad Core Updates

Remember, Google’s broad core updates are not penalties. They’re opportunities for improvement. By focusing on providing the best possible user experience and creating high-quality, authentic content, you can improve your site’s performance and potentially recover from any negative impacts of these updates.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Feel free to share your insights with us. And if you need help with SEO, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help take your business to the next level by increasing conversions and traffic.


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